Insync Marketing is one of the top Roadshow Marketing agencies in India executing Roadshows employing innovative ideas and creativity Pan-India Brand Activations these days are about creating unforgettable Brand Experiences for the TG. Our Experiential Marketing campaigns have won awards for creating fun and Immersive Brand Experiences for customers. We conduct BTL marketing activities across markets which allow brands to build a relationship with their customers resulting in Brand loyalty and an increase in sales leads Canter Activations are one of the best Experiential Marketing Campaigns What is a Roadshow? A Roadshow Campaign also known as Canter activation contains a branded canter that covers multiple cities with the goal of reaching the target audience in different locations. What Does Roadshow Marketing Involve? Roadshows can be used for a huge variety of promotional reasons. For example, to raise general brand awareness, promote a specific product or service, test a new product, distribute leaflets and discounts, give away...

You may wonder why does your company need a Top Branding Agency? You are doing just about fine, or better, in fact, you could be surpassing expectations. So, why fix something that is not broken? You shouldn’t. But remember Branding is as much about building as it is about fixing. A branding agency develops an identity for a brand or a company. They plan, create, and manage branding strategies for clients. A branding agency allows companies or brands to reach and expand their target market, gain a competitive advantage, and offer logical brand communication strategies. They do this by launching, developing an identity, and promoting a company’s or brand's products or services. As one of the Top BTL agencies in Mumbai, Insync Marketing renders different kinds of services, in ATL and BTL basing their strategies on the client and the specified needs. We are one of India’s leading Brand communication companies, integrating Strategy,...

If you want effective Crowd Pulling BTL activities, then you definitely want Roadshow in your next BTL activation plan. Long gone are the days when traditional event marketing was limited to just a handful of materials and activities you didn’t have much creative room with. These days, planning Brand Promotion activities is all about endless creativity and standing out from the crowd – because, in the end, this is the first step to ensuring your BTL activation yields the ROI you are looking for. Even with all the creative freedom, choosing the right type of Brand promotion activity for your Brand marketing goals is extremely important. In the end, you’re not planning this just for the sake of planning itself – you’re doing it because it is for Brand visibility & effective Brand Communication. Where does a roadshow fall into all of this? Why is it among the most popular BTL activities & Marketing events,...

While it's true that marketing events help strengthen your brand, how do you know that you are doing it right? Here are a few tips for successful event marketing. For any event to be successful, well-planned marketing campaigns and a thought-out promotional plan are integral. Be it a business conference, corporate event, trade show, or exhibition, you need some handy event marketing, planning tools and tips in your arsenal in the run-up before the big day! Choose a Picture-worthy Venue As an event planner, we want to choose a space that people want to not only be in but take and share pictures of. Social Times reported that 8,796 photos are shared every second. Attendees will be more inclined to post your event photos if they enjoy the event’s atmosphere. Be sure to encourage this: during the event post pictures of attendees and speakers to social channels like Snapchat, Twitter, and Instagram. Search for Ideas,...

Brand recognition is more than just a name and a logo. Your brand is the holistic perception of your company. It’s the recognition of your business entity that helps you to stand out from your competition. In today’s over-saturated, and overwhelmed marketing environment, building the right reputation for your brand is more difficult than ever. There are so many communication channels to choose from, apps, online content, radio, and print. That means if you want to access the largest chunk of the market, and develop a truly effective brand, then you need help from marketing agencies to know about integrated marketing    The answer to the question “What is integrated marketing communications?”  Integrated marketing communications is just about making sure that all the information your brand puts out into the world is consistent with your brand identity. People approach integrated marketing communications from different angles, but three of the key points you’ll need to address...

Brands need to constantly innovate and evolve in order to survive in an ever-changing market. A major way to stay ahead of the game is Brand Innovation. Experiential marketing agencies help to constantly adapt products and services to suit customer requirements and maintain relevance.   Brand Innovation is usually defined as anything new a brand does – like launching a new product or making changes to an existing one. Brand innovation is the driving force behind brands that have been running for decades and is an imperative aspect of brand marketing. Explaining and expressing a brand’s innovation concept is important. Branding agencies help establish connections between existing products and services to new ones.   The 5 I’s of brand innovation There are five phases to brand innovation, each combining creativity and analysis to develop a bespoke strategic plan. Below, we introduce the five I’s of brand innovation.   Intent Brand innovation begins with identifying intent. To define the...

From a hands-on activity to a sensory experience, experiential marketing takes form in a multitude of ways, with the use of technology being increasingly at the forefront of these immersive events.   The idea of creating a unique brand experience has been becoming more and more palatable as digital advertising, as we know, is decaying. Gone are the days when a simple display ad could gain interest of intelligent, well-read, and well-researched consumers. Brands now need new methods which can deliver the ultimate memorable experience which will stay with the TG for years to come.   According to studies, 84% of millennials do not trust traditional marketing and less than 1% claim to be influenced by ads. The new generation values experience over everything else and it is not surprising that experiential technologies for marketing are more effective than traditional marketing for millennials and Gen Z, who are in the prime working years of...

The importance of Below the Line (BTL) activities in any rural marketing effort can never be underestimated. The need for focused communication aimed at specific target audiences, with varying traditions, cultures, languages and dialects.The traditional belief is that mass media does not reach everyone in rural India. Today, the rural market is a vast area with around 895 million people in over 664,000 villages. It is estimated that this population will increase by 1.7% by 2022. All BTL activities are aimed at generating word of mouth publicity for the product or service being promoted among the target audience, in a specific geographical location using specially developed communication packages. I would include any non-media activity or roadshow which takes the route of either one on one or group communication using different delivery mechanisms. For expensive consumer durables or services, where promotional efforts have to build in the ‘touch & feel’ or demonstration aspects,...

Brands are like people with their stories, histories, and (customer) relationships. These relationships stand on the bedrock of experiences that a customer has with a brand. Positive relationships with customers are a cornerstone for retail success in the post-covid world. Thus, it is a modern mandate that retailers must make all the touchpoints conducive to build a more profitable relationship with their target customers. One way to achieve this is by organizing BTL events & activations in the target markets and amongst the target audience to maximize brand awareness.   As the markets open gradually and live events are restored, experiential marketing is primed to return to the spotlight. Many old and new avenues have opened for retailers looking to connect and engage with self-isolating customers, from in-store activations to festivals and brand events in local markets. And after a year of online shopping and zoom fatigues, customers are now looking for...

Branding is equally important for both small and large businesses. Many business owners perceive branding as just a logo and therefore believe it is not an essential component for their marketing success. Little do they realize that many successful brands have effective branding, as branding provides businesses with numerous benefits such as having a strong identity, personality and a point of difference, which are crucial factors to help you stand out from the crowd. With millions, if not billions, of businesses trying to make a name for themselves, having a strong brand has become crucial for businesses to differentiate themselves from their competitors.   Focus on building brand identity, not just name recognition.  Of course, you want prospects to remember who you are. But most importantly, you need them to understand what you can do for them. So keep all your communications focused on making those benefits tangible for your customers. Creatively, your advertising...