Marketing being a diversified sector coherently demands various activities that help you achieve the desired goals. As time changes, people find new ways of dealing with the problems, so is with the marketing trends and strategies. Gone are the ways when only traditional marketing activities were responsible for generating leads.   BTL activities include direct mail campaigns, brand promotions activities, trade shows, catalogues, brand promotions, activities, telemarketing, free sampling, exhibitions and targeted search engine marketing. BTL activities are more interactive and allow brands and consumers to connect on a personal level. BTL activities are using out-of-the-box activities to attract and engage more people to a brand.   Advantages of investing in BTL activities:   Creates Brand Awareness: BTL activities help marketers to spread awareness about the brand. It helps people to connect with the brand and explain the benefits offered by the brand through various creative ways. BTL activations help in attracting more customers while...

Experiential marketing is a surefire way to build brand awareness and brand affinity, boost brand recognition, attract new customers, and have current customers come back for more. It is the perfect catalyst for word-of-mouth since people love sharing their positive customer experiences.It is defined as live events where audiences interact with products or brand face-to-face. Experiential marketing works. In addition to helping brands differentiate themselves in a crowded market, experiential marketing is a marketing tactic which aligns precisely with what consumers today desire: experiences. Data has revealed that consumers are 4x more likely to invest in experiences and that the value attributed to an ‘experience purchase’ increases over time. Engagement marketing, sometimes called "experiential marketing", "event marketing", "on-ground marketing", "live marketing", "participation marketing", or "special events" is a marketing strategy that directly engages consumers and invites and encourages them to participate in the evolution of a brand or a brand experience. Engagement...

Change is never easy, but as businesses look towards a post-COVID-19 future, for many enterprises, their traditional business models, products, and services have to change in the very near future if their companies are to survive. It’s safe to say that COVID has had an enormous impact on every single industry. Even though we may have gotten used to the “new normal” by now, these changes are still tricky to navigate because at the end of the day that’s exactly what they are – changes. In India and around the world, the impact of the corona virus pandemic is not limited to a few sectors but is evident across all stakeholders of the economy. For instance, the venture capital activity in the Indian ecosystem has witnessed a slowdown as social distancing and self-isolation is hampering investor meetings. Similarly, a negative impact is evident across both the white-collar and the blue-collar sector. Needless...

Brand storytelling is an art of making a meaningful and strong connection with your customers by using a narrative story that conveys the message to the audience and adds more value to what the brand stands for. Storytelling helps you build relationships with your customers and a memorable story is exactly what people need, to know your business. Through Advertising, customers can effectively connect and humanize your brand and you can easily communicate things like who you are, what you do, and how you can help people. The more effectively this is done, the better you can stand out and stick to your position in the marketplace. It's important for a brand to create a story so it can connect with its customers emotionally, and more importantly connect with its target audience. A Brand story resonates on an emotional level with your audience.  A Brand story can have many elements to it: a...

Symbols are a succinct and efficient way of communicating information about any business. A well-designed logo is an easy way to convey to potential customers that your business is professional, trustworthy, and provides quality goods or services. Every logo has a hidden meaning or thought behind it, which reflects the personality of the brand. From the ocean of numerous logos here are five great logos and hidden thoughts behind them.   McDonald’s McDonald’s logo’s golden arches are a distinctive identity and everyone recognizes it. The yellow color stands for the raw energy of young people who are the target customers of the company. This color also is the color of sunshine, symbolizing hope. Apple The logo is now known for its sleek and clean design. It has a half bitten apple, symbolizing the byte of the electronic world. Note that just a simple but elegant shape of an apple makes this design, which is scalable and...

One can always learn from other successful Marketing campaigns. The Internet has made it easy for businesses to reach to more people faster and achieve their desired goals. Well-planned and executed marketing campaigns by professional marketers can help in obtaining the desired results faster with more ROI. Every marketing campaign has different kinds of goals and its success is measured based on the effectiveness of the campaign in achieving the planned goals. The goals might be creating awareness of their product or lead generation for their business. Here are our top 3 favorite viral marketing campaigns for your geeky mind. Butter Cookie Launch Campaign By Amul: Being one of the most creative brands in India, Amul came up with an excellent marketing campaign on Social Media that got them a great response from the audience. Firstly they shared posts informing the audience about the percentage of butter in their cookies and differentiating them from their competitors...

Today’s businesses need to tell compelling stories and this is achieved most effectively through the use of visual content. Humans are visual creatures and can process images 60,000 times better than they can process text. Visual storytelling is a strategy for using visual content to communicate a narrative. An effective piece of visual storytelling inspires an emotional response, educates the audience, and/or guides them to a particular conclusion. Visual storytelling can take place in a single piece of content—such as a motion graphic, infographic, or social media post—or it can be achieved over the course of several connected and complementary pieces of content. Studies have shown that blog posts with visuals drive up to 180% more engagement than those without. Posts with videos attract over three times more inbound links than plain text posts. Different content requires different approaches. Photos tend to be most effective when you’re trying to get...

A huge TVC, Outdoor, Radio and Digital amplification of the campaign was taken as an approach to reach out to and connect the TG to the Group and its projects and generate maximum leads from home buyers....